27 Feb Replica of the ship that made the First Round the World Race (1519- 1522).
The public will be able to visit the historic ship from February 28 to March 3
February 27th, 2024 – The Nao Victoria will set sail this afternoon from Punta Umbría, where it has made its annual dry dock, to Puerto Sherry, where it will start the great European tour it will make this year as ambassador of the First Round the World Race and floating museum of our impressive maritime history. A tour in which she will also participate in important maritime festivals and international events, such as Sete, Escala a Castelló, Fecamp, Oostende, Delfsail and Bremerhaven, among others.
It will dock tomorrow morning in Puerto Sherry, and then open its decks to the public until March 3, days in which you can get on board and learn about this legendary ship and its history.
The Nao Victoria is the replica of the ship that captained by Magellan and Elcano starred in the greatest maritime adventure of all time: the first round-the-world voyage, which began and ended five centuries ago in the port of Seville (1519-1522). A ship that sails around the world as an ambassador of this great maritime feat and annually performs major national and international as a floating museum of this feat and the work of its sailors.
The ship is an authentic masterpiece of our riverside carpentry, made of oak and pine, built with meticulous historical rigor and faithful to how it was that 500 years ago circumnavigated the earth. A ship with its own history, which has already made immense voyages around the planet. During the years 2004/2006 it completed its own round-the-world trip, sailing more than 26,000 nautical miles, stopping in 17 countries. Since then it has not stopped sailing around the world, making important cultural tours of more than a hundred ports in the USA and Europe, where it has received hundreds of thousands of visitors.
During their stay in Puerto Sherry, the public will be able to climb aboard, tour its decks and learn about the amazing adventure that its sailors carried out during an immense voyage of more than three years, until they managed to circumnavigate the planet through its great oceans. Visitors will also be able to go down into her hold and learn about the experiences of the young crew that still sails on her today in seas all over the world.
All visitors can now book their tickets on the NAO VICTORIA website so as not to miss out on this fantastic ship! Schools and associations should schedule their visit by sending an e-mail to ecampos@velacuadra.es.
The current crew consists of 12 men and women of different nationalities and new applications for volunteer crew positions are currently being accepted.
Date: from February 28th to March 3rd
Place: Puerto Sherry (Puerto de Santa María)
Schedule: 10,00h. to 19,00h. (**except February 28th: 12,00h. to 19,00h.)
Nao Victoria Tickets: Adults: 6€ / Children (5- 10 years old): 3€ / 15€ Families (2 adults + up to 3 children between 5- 10 years old). Free for children under 5 years old, who must be accompanied by an adult).
Guided tour for Schools and Associations: 3€ children and 6€ adults (1 responsible person enters free for every 20 people): ecampos@fundacionnaovictoria.org // Tel. 954090956
Points of sale: on the boat or on the web: tickets.fundacionnaovictoria.org
Press contact:
Lucia Quintero Reyes
Phone number: +34 620 801 329
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