03 May Puerto Sherry hosts the III Ronqueo Solidario ‘Coloreando Vidas’ (3rd Solidarity Ronqueo)
The charity event by artist Fernando Quirós ups the ante and will include the participation of nine restaurants and capacity for 500 people.
El Puerto de Santa María, April 30, 2024 – Puerto Sherry will host on June 22nd the III Ronqueo Solidario “Coloreando Vidas”, a charity gastronomic event promoted by the artist Fernando Quirós, which will be held in the marina for the second consecutive year.
The main objective of this event is to raise funds to fit out a special room in the Hospital de Jerez, dedicated to children who have suffered strokes or other neurological problems.
The charity “ronqueo” was presented this morning on the terrace of the Puerto Sherry Hotel by Quirós himself, accompanied by the director of the Puerto Sherry Hotel and Suites, Jose Ramón Paramio, the head chef of the Hotel’s restaurant, Antonio Caramé, and other representatives of the sponsoring firms and restaurants involved.
In addition to enjoying a unique culinary experience, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a raffle of works of art and enjoy live musical performances, but most importantly, every euro raised during the event will go to the noble project “COLOURING LIVES”.
Fernando Quirós, promoter of the event, expressed his deep gratitude to the restaurants, whose collaboration this year has been even more extensive, as well as to the sponsors and collaborators who join this noble cause. “I can only thank once again the generosity of all those involved in this project. I am sure it will be a memorable day thanks to the commitment of each and every one of them,” Quirós said.
He also highlighted the increase in the capacity of the event, from 300 to 500 people, which augurs well for a higher fundraising. “This year we hope to raise 25,000 euros, which will allow us to begin work once the administrative formalities have been completed,” he added.
“We are delighted to continue our collaboration with Fernando for the third time. Since we became involved in his ‘Coloreando Vidas’ project, we have been impressed by his dedication and energy to help children in need. After the success of the first Ronqueo last year in our facilities, we were motivated to take a bigger gamble and increase the capacity to 500 people for this edition. We are committed to offering an exceptional service and hope to contribute to the success of this charity event once again,” said José Ramón Paramio.
The tuna will be cut up by the company Petaca Chico, and after the cutting and explanation of the tuna, those attending will be able to enjoy a tasting menu prepared by nine outstanding restaurants in the area; Kamikaze, La Niña de Gonzalo, Berdó, the Puerto Sherry restaurant, La Bodeguita del Bar Jamón, Kynos, Sarmiento, El Laul and Tiemar. The menu will consist of eight main courses and dessert, all based on the exquisite bluefin tuna.
Another way of collaborating with the cause is by making a donation to the so-called fila 0 in the account number: ES50 0049 0122862811947384