24 Oct Levante wind blows too hard in the bay of Cadiz
Levante wind is too strong in the bay of Cádiz
Winds in excess of 30 knots make the race area impassable on the third day of the European Flying Dutchman
October 23rd, 2024.- The strong easterly storm has not allowed to complete the third day of the European Flying Dutchman Championship, which brings together this week in Puerto Sherry more than sixty crews from a dozen countries. The forecasts were fulfilled and from early on the wind has not given any option, even so, the race committee with the official Juan Castañeda at the head went out to sea to carry out the checks, but after a while the only option was to cancel the day and call the fleet to Thursday to continue with the tests.
As was the case on Monday, the crews took the opportunity to get the boats ready and share experiences in anticipation of continuing to compete during the three days remaining until the end of the championship, which will finish on Saturday 26th. All the participants will finish the day on Wednesday with a dinner at the ‘Timón de Roche’ restaurant, owned by Pepe Ruiz, a participant and one of the architects of the organisation of the European and World Race Flying Dutchman 2024/25, a global event that will run from October 2024 to April 2025, with a series of regattas that will culminate with the World Championship of the class next spring.
Tomorrow, Thursday, the organisers are scheduling a minimum of two new races starting at midday with an easterly but sailable forecast.
The European Flying Dutchman Championship is a regatta organised by the CN Puerto Sherry in collaboration with the international secretariat of the class, with the support of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and the Andalusian Sailing Federation, the support of the City Council of El Puerto de Santa María, the sponsorship of Yuasa and Timón de Roche, and the main sponsorship of Puerto Sherry.
Photographs by INGRID CARNERO
With no more races to add, the classification remains as it was. CLASSIFICATION
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